Vanity Fair is a magazine my family has had a subscription for years and has some of the best written articles about contemporary life and style. It was really exciting attending the Vanity Fair Social Club held at the historic Wolfsonian-FIU world class art museum. This event was for social and entertainment influencers. The speakers at the event were absolutely fabulous.
The three lady speakers understand the significance of social media and use it effectively to market their products and services. Style is something Vanity Fair has been using for years to influence the world and now there is a whole new interactive way to do it. Style is something that is developed and not so much stated in today's fast paced world and the influence of social media on all subjects is very powerful. By evening this place turned into a big party and I really didn't want to leave.
Of course just being in the Art Deco South Beach area was amazing seeing the historic hotels made me feel like I was going to bump into somebody famous. We rounded the corner of the Versace house and almost got ran over by the Paparazzi as two entertainers made their way out of this noted place.
I wish I could have seen more of Art Basel but will have to wait till next year. Thanks to my wife and Vanity Fair Social Club for inviting me!